

  1. UNPKG
  2. jsDelivr - A free, fast, and reliable CDN for JS and open source
  3. cdnjs - The #1 free and open source CDN built to make life easier for developers


  1. Web缓存网 - 一个免费、快速、可靠的网站静态加速服务 (webcache.cn)
  2. 360 前端静态资源库 (baomitu.com)(推荐)
  3. 字节跳动静态资源公共库 (bytedance.com)(推荐)
  4. 又拍云JS库加速服务 (upai.com)
  5. 新浪云计算CDN公共库 lib.sinaapp.com
  6. 七牛云存储 Staticfile CDN - Powered by 七牛(推荐)
  7. 京东 NPM CDN 服务 (jd.com)
  8. 饿了么(未公开发布)https://npm.elemecdn.com/包名@版本号/文件路径(推荐)
  9. 哔哩CDN | GamerNoTitle (bilicdn.tk)https://cdn.bilicdn.tk/npm/包名@版本号/文件路径
  10. 南方科技大学 CDNJS Mirrors | SUSTech Open Source Mirrors
  11. 极兔云 联合 Bootstrap 中文网开源项目免费 CDN 加速服务


  1. CDN 内容分发网络 _CDN内容加速_CDN加速-腾讯云 (tencent.com)
  2. CDN_内容分发网络_CDN网站加速-阿里云 (aliyun.com)
  3. CDN_内容分发网络_CDN 网站加速_CDN 服务器_国内 CDN 加速 - 七牛云 (qiniu.com)


  1. The edge cloud platform behind the best of the web | Fastly
  2. StackPath | Edge Compute | Edge Delivery | Edge Security
  3. Cloud CDN: content delivery network | Google Cloud
  4. 云计算, 安全性, 内容交付 (CDN) (akamai.com)
  5. Azure Content Delivery Network | Microsoft Azure
  6. Deliver Your Business on the Leading Edge with Edgio
  7. KeyCDN - Content delivery made easy
  8. Content Delivery Network (CDN) | CDN77.com
  9. bunny.net - The Content Delivery platform that truly Hops!


  1. Cloudflare 中国官网 | 智能化云服务平台 | 免费CDN安全防护 | Cloudflare
  2. Amazon CloudFront 内容分发网络(CDN)_免费CDN加速-AWS云服务
  3. The CDN for Static Files on GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket - Statically
  4. Gcore


  1. jsdelivr 镜像站 | jsdelivr 镜像站 (zzko.cn)(推荐)
  2. cdn.cmds.run(推荐)
  3. 渺软公益 CDN - 国内线路加速 jsDelivr UNPKG cdnjs 开发者自用CDN (onmicrosoft.cn)(推荐)
  4. https://u.sb/css-cdn/
  5. https://www.sourcegcdn.com
  6. https://bilicdn.tk
  7. https://blog.1id.top/post/zi-zhi-de-yi-ge-jsdelivr-jing-xiang-fen-xiang
  8. https://www.xxhzm.cn/archives/733/
  9. https://cdn.haorwen.tk
  10. https://jsew.cky.codes
  11. https://a-js.cc/archives/128.html
  12. https://github.com/54ayao/Chinajsdelivr
  13. https://jsd.cdn.zzko.cn/
  14. https://cdn.akass.cn
  15. https://cdn2.chuqis.com
